MATLAB: How to load all .mat files in a folder and save accordingly

loading multiple files and savingMATLAB

I am trying to run some code on bunch of .mat files with different names which are not in sequence (only the starting parts are same). They are all located in a folder called 'data', and I want to run my program on each one of them and save accordingly to a different folder called 'results'. The name of my .mat files are in the following format.
SSR_******, where there are random numbers in the asterisks.
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.

Best Answer

resultsdir = 'results';
dinfo = dir('SSR_****.mat');
for K = 1 : length(dinfo)
thisfile = dinfo(K).name;
destfile = fullfile(resultsdir, thisfile);
thisdata = load(thisfile);
thisdata.z = thisdata.X.^2 + thisdata.Y.^2; %do something with the stored variables
save(destfile, '-struct', 'thisdata'); %save all the vars