MATLAB: I want to pop a new window in Matlab GUI.

matlab gui

i want to pop a new window in Matlab GUI. I need to display three figures on new window. My existing GUI is full of figures and push buttons. enter preformatted text here
function pushbutton7_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global img;
[Red, x] = imhist(img(:,:,1));
bar(x, Red, 'Red');
[Green, y] = imhist( img(:,:,2));
bar(y, Green, 'Green');
[Blue, z] = imhist(img(:,:,3));
bar( z, Blue, 'Blue');
how can I display output of these commands on new window which contain three figures (one for each color).

Best Answer

mania - just create a new figure and use subplot to create 3 axes which you will update accordingly.