MATLAB: I want to combine two anon functions, p(h) and t(p) and plot them against each other

anonymous functionsMATLAB

p= 29.921(1-6.8753*10^(-6)*h)^(5.2559)
i want to write a script such that p and t are anon functs and then plot T against h with h from -500 to 14439

Best Answer

the following code substitutes p in the equation for T with the expression from the first equation and creates a function handle:
syms h T
eq1 = 29.921*(1-6.8753e-6)*h^(5.2559)
eq2 = 49.161*log(p)+44.932
fun = matlabFunction(subs(eq2,p,eq1))
Then you can calculate values for T with given h and plot the result:
hval = linspace(-500,14439,1000);
Tval = fun(hval);
Best regards