MATLAB: I want to 3D plot the functions below but nothing appear on the figure, what should I add/change

3d plot

a = 0.25;
theta = 0;
r = 0.25;
x = (30/2)*((1-(a^2/r^2))+(1+3*(a^4/r^4)-4*(a^2/r^2)*cos(2*theta)))
y = (30/2)*((1+(a^2/r^2))-(1+3*(a^4/r^4)*cos(2*theta)))
z = -(30/2)*((1-3*(a^4/r^4)+2*(a^2/r^2))*sin(2*theta))

Best Answer

You are just giving 1 value to a,r ant theta. You have to give them different values using a=ini:h:fin loops. Hope it works with that. Regards