MATLAB: I use Save and Get routinely in Mathematica. How to get saved variables and functions from Mathematica into Matlab


I use Save and Get routinely in Mathematica. How can I get saved variables and functions from Mathematica into Matlab?

Best Answer

file_in = 'diaboloid_aij.txt';
file_out = 'diaboloid_aij.m';
S = fileread(file_in);
Snew = regexprep(S, {'\[(\d+),', '(\d+)\]', '\[', '\]', 'Cos', 'Sin', 'Tan', 'Sec', '([-+*/])\s*$', '\)\s*$'}, {'(1+$1,', '1+$1)', '(', ')', 'cos', 'sin', 'tan', 'sec', '$1 ...', ');'}, 'lineanchors');
fid = fopen(file_out, 'w');
fwrite(fid, Snew);
clear diaboloid_aij %flush any saved versions of the file
Script diaboloid_aij is now ready to run after you have defined numeric values or symbolic names for the variables.
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