MATLAB: Doubt math

humormathwithout math

I have the next expression and my unknown is "I".
I = ICC - IR.*(2.718.^((V1+Rs*I)./(m.*VT))-1) - ((V1+Rs.*I)/Rp);
Exist any function im Matlab that resolve this expression without math methods?

Best Answer

OK, to expand on the cyclist's answer:
  1. rewrite your equation in the form f(I) = 0: ICC - IR.*(exp((V1+Rs*I)./(m.*VT))-1) - ((V1+Rs.*I)/Rp) - I = 0
  2. having defined all the constants (ICC, m, VT, etc), make a function of I using an anonymous function handle: f = @(I) ICC - IR.*(exp((V1+Rs*I)./(m.*VT))-1) - ((V1+Rs.*I)/Rp) - I;
  3. apply fsolve to f
Like Walter, I'm assuming 2.718.^foo really means e^foo, which, in MATLAB, should be implemented as exp(foo).