MATLAB: I receive an error with xiosbase file regarding ‘Limitation: Unauthorized throw outside of handler.’ in Polyspace Code Prover R2013b

Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Serverqtxiosbase

I am running a Polyspace Code Prover C++ verification for a project which is a Qt application. I receive an error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\xiosbase, line 315 (column 25): Limitation: Unauthorized throw outside of handler.
|This construction is not supported by Polyspace Verifier.
|The computation has been halted.

Best Answer

This is a limitation in Polyspace Bug Finder R2013b. 
Please copy the file 'xiosbase' into a new folder 'inc' to edit as follows:
Please comment out or remove the line 315 and similar lines, for example, in this file 
315            ; //_RERAISE;
316        else if (_Mystate & _Except & badbit)
317            ; //_THROW_NCEE(failure, "ios_base::badbit set");
318        else if (_Mystate & _Except & failbit)
319            ; //_THROW_NCEE(failure, "ios_base::failbit set");
320        else
321            ; //_THROW_NCEE(failure, "ios_base::eofbit set");
Please add this 'inc' folder as 'Include' at the top of the project (so that this xiosbase file is used instead of the one in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\ )