MATLAB: Do I receive an exception when I want to run polyspace-configure with Cygwin ‘make’ in Polyspace Bug Finder 1.2 (R2014b)

Polyspace Bug FinderPolyspace Bug Finder Server

When I want to run 'polyspace-configure' with Cygwin 'make' in Polyspace Bug Finder 1.2 (R2014b). I get the following error:
0 [sig] make 2636 exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
66599 [sig] make 2636 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to make.exe.stackdump
– . . . N O T S U C C E S S F U L –

Best Answer

Currently Cygwin is not a supported Compiler for being used with 'polyspace-configure':
As a workaround, use a make command from Mingw32 for instance or create a batch file that compiles without the 'make' command of Cygwin.