MATLAB: I need some help with creating a program containing a graph and table!


I thought that what I have below would be enough to complete a program. I needed to calculate the weight and torque, then create a table with angle, mass, weight, and torque. I also needed to create a mass vs angle graph. What am I doing wrong?
A=[0;15;25;39;54;70;105;115;128;147;167]; % Given angles in degrees.
m=[200;250;300;350;400;450;500;550;600;650;700]; % Given mass in grams.
plot(A',m','-kd'); % Plot m vs A using solid black line with diamond markers.
g=9.81; % Acceleration due to gravity.
r=6.0325; % Given radius of test wheel in centimeters.
W=m.*g; % Formula used to calculate the Weight (W).
T=W.*r; % Formula used to calculate the Torque (T).
Table[A',m',W',T']; % Combines angles, mass, weight, and torque values into rows.
fprintf('\n'); % Print one blank line.
disp(' Angle,A Mass,m Weight,W Torque,T') % Print table headings.
fprintf('%9.2f deg10.3f g%8.1f kg%6.2f N/cm \n', Table') % Format, print Table content.

Best Answer

You missed a '%'
fprintf('%9.2f deg%10.3f g%8.1f kg%6.2f N/cm \n', Table')
The '%' after 'deg' is missing in your code.