MATLAB: My function isn’t returning an array for an answer with an input array


function [bodyMassIndex] = CalculateBMI(massKg, heightCm)
% Define a function CalculateBMI
% Input: massKg: Mass in kg
% heightCm: Height in cm
% Output: bodyMassIndex: Resulting BMI given mass and height
heightCm = heightCm / 100;
heightCm = nthroot(heightCm, 1/2);
bodyMassIndex= massKg / heightCm;
CalculateBMI([75, 90, 118], [178, 180, 200])

Best Answer

bodyMassIndex= massKg ./ heightCm;
The operator you used, /, is about the same as if you had written
bodyMassIndex= massKg * pinv(heightCm);