MATLAB: I need help with Probability function.


Hey guys, I need to generate a function called "produce" that will return either "peach", "panana", or "papaya" based on their probabilities of 0.20, 0.35, and 0.45 respectively. This is what I have:
function x = produce
A = 1e5;
B = rand;
C = ceil(A*B)
if (1 <= C <= 20000)
C = 'peach';
elseif ( 20001 <= C <= 55000)
C = 'panana';
elseif (55001 <= C <= 100000)
C = 'papaya';
x = C
For some reason, it only generates a return of "peach" no matter what the number is. It won't return panana or papaya when it's in their number range. Please help if you can. Thanks!

Best Answer

You can't specify inequalities in a computer language like you write them down on a piece on a paper.
if (C >=1 && C <= 20000)
function x = produce
A = 1e5;
B = rand;
C = ceil(A*B)
if (C>=1 && C<= 20000)
C = 'peach';
elseif (C>= 20001 && C<= 55000)
C = 'panana';
elseif (C >= 55001)
C = 'papaya';
x = C
I would also suggest that you don't assign C which is originally a number a string, why not just assign x directly?
if (C>=1 && C<= 20000)
x = 'peach';
and so on?