MATLAB: I need help fixing up the password generator

#password generatorneed help

So far my program lets a user input the range of how many characters they want in the password, and also input how many passwords they want generated. My program also checks if the first element of the password is a letter, if it isn't an error is returned to the screen. I have started checking if there is at least one lower case letter in the password as well, but it doesn't seem to be working. All my code is below and I'd really appreciate some help 🙂
function password_generator
s = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
sLength = input('What is your password range: ');
Repeats = input('How many passwords do you want generated: ');
numRands = length(s);
for number_of_passwords = 1: Repeats
[Random_Password] = s(round(rand(1,randi(sLength))*numRands));
[check] = isstrprop(Random_Password, 'alpha')
if check(1) == 1
error('The first element of password is not a letter');
[check2] = isstrprop(Random_Password,'lower')
if check2 == 1
error('There are no lower case letters in this password')

Best Answer

If I understand your intent correctly, I think you want your second check to be
if any(check2 == 1)