MATLAB: I have more non-linear equations than unknowns. How to solve it in matlab? One method I know is non-linear least squares, how can I implement it in Matlab or you just suggest me anything you deem more proper.


% ((x-x1)^2)+((y-y1)^2)+((z-z1)^2)=5942.607^2 % ((x-x2)^2)+((y-y2)^2)+((z-z2)^2)=2426.635^2 % ((x-x3)^2)+((y-y3)^2)+((z-z3)^2)=5094.254^2 % ((x-x4)^2)+((y-y4)^2)+((z-z4)^2)=5549.874^2
%4 equations
%x y z unknowns

Best Answer

Aside from FSOLVE, you can try LSQNONLIN which is another least squares solver. However, I obtain nearly the same results (x,y,z) for your problem with both FSOLVE and LSQNONLIN.
fun=@(u) F(u(1),u(2),u(3));
x0=mean([x1 y1 z1;x2 y2 z2; x3 y3 z3; x4 y4 z4])
>> norm(u1-u2)
ans =