MATLAB: I have found the GLCM properties like Energy, Contrast, Corellation for a segmented image. How can i find the mean of those properties(say contrast.(1x8double values… ) so that i can compare it with other values??Can u please suggest me the steps

glcm _propertiesImage Processing Toolbox

stats = graycoprops(glcm,{'contrast','homogeneity','Correlation','Energy'});
and in the output i get….
stats =
Contrast: [0.3105 0.4868 0.3727 0.4868 0.3727 0.5002 0.3105 0.4868]
Correlation: [0.8549 0.7723 0.8254 0.7723 0.8254 0.7661 0.8549 0.7723]
Energy: [0.8560 0.8477 0.8530 0.8477 0.8530 0.8472 0.8560 0.8477]
Homogeneity: [0.9793 0.9690 0.9758 0.9690 0.9758 0.9682 0.9793 0.9690]

Best Answer

meanContrast = mean([stats.Contrast]);
Is that what you mean?