MATLAB: I get this error in PDE toolbox, I don’t know why.

pde toolbox

Error using pdevoron (line 30) Geometry error.
Error in pderespe (line 126) [p,t,c,h]=pdevoron(p,t,c,h,x,y,tol,Hmax,Hgrad);
Error in initmesh (line 157) [p,e,t,c]=pderespe(g,p,e,t,c,Hmax,tol,tol2,Hmax,Hgrad);
Error in pdegplot>plotTwoDGeometry (line 112) [p1,~,t1]=initmesh(g,'hmax',0.1,'init','on', 'MesherVersion','R2013a');
Error in pdegplot (line 75) hh = plotTwoDGeometry(g, plotEdgeNums, plotSubLabels);

Best Answer

When you plot a geometry in shaded mode, the function calls initmesh to generate triangles that can be used to pass to graphics for shading. There is a bug in the pdegplot function that is leading to a failure in the generation of the triangles. Replace line 112 of the pdegplot function with the following:
[p1,~,t1]=initmesh(g,'init','on', 'MesherVersion','R2013a');
If that fails to resolve the issue please let me know. This bug will be fixed in the next release.