MATLAB: I am working with tthe3 files, and I have csv hourly data for a whole year. I need to get the maximum of a certain value for each month and plot them and also performing addition to another value for each day and getting the max and min day

datadata analysisMATLABmatrixmin-max valuestmy3

I am working with tmy3 (csv) (8762*68) files, and I have hourly data for a whole year.
I need to get the maximum of a certain column for each month and plot them together (12 points) and also to perform addition to another column for each day and getting the max and min day for this addition.
I have been struggling with both issues for a while as I am not so good with Matlab, any help would be appreciated. If this is easier in Python I am open to help in it as well.
Attached the full tmy3 (8762*68) file that you can see to start helping me.

Best Answer

I've imported 8th column (3:end rows) to MATLAB and found max value of each month
days = [0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31];
[maxValue, maxHour] = deal(zeros(12,1));
hour = 0;
hold on
for i = 1:12;
hour = hour + days(i)*24;
data = DNIWm2( hour+1 : hour+days(i+1)*24 ); % extracting data of a current month
[maxValue(i), H] = max( data ); % local max value and hour
maxHour(i) = H + hour; % hour in data
plot([hour hour], [0 1000],'-ok') % plot first/last hour of a month
hold off