MATLAB: I am using R2016a wih NI PCI-4472 and receive “NIDAQmx driver not installed…” even though I ran Support Package Installer. (WIN10/64) any suggestions


>> v=daq.getVendors
v =
Data acquisition vendor 'National Instruments':
ID: 'ni'
FullName: 'National Instruments'
AdaptorVersion: '3.9 (R2016a)'
DriverVersion: 'unknown'
IsOperational: false
Warning: Diagnostic Information from vendor: There was a driver error while loading the MEX file to communicate with National Instruments hardware because the NI-DAQmx driver is either not installed or is older than the required minimum version of '14.5'. Open the Support Package Installer to install the National Instruments driver.

Best Answer

Hi Jeff,
It is likely that you are trying to communicate with a NI-DAQmx version that is incompatible with the Data Acquisition Toolbox. In order to download a compatible driver version(16.1.0) , please perform the following steps: 1. Uninstall the 'NI-DAQmx' support package from the 'Support Package Installer' by navigating to Add-Ons -> Get Hardware Support Packages. 2. Restart your machine and open MATLAB to confirm that no 'NI-DAQmx' support package is currently installed by executing the following command at the MATLAB Command Prompt: >> matlabshared.supportpkg.getInstalled 3. Install the 'NI-DAQmx' support package from the 'Support Package Installer'. It should open up the download box and it should initiate the installation process for 'NI-DAQmx' utility. It might take about one hour to complete the installation process. 4. Close MATLAB and restart your machine. 5. Open MATLAB and execute the following command: >> matlabshared.supportpkg.getInstalled
This should list Ni-DAQmx 16.1.0 as one of the installed support packages. Now you should be able to work with your NI devices from within MATLAB.