MATLAB: Hyperlink in Excel cell to open Simulink model


Hello, I realize that this may be more of an Excel related question, but perhaps someone from this forum has already done what I am trying to do. I would like to create a hyperlink in Excel that will open a Simulink model. So basically I would have a cell with the text sldemo_fuelsys, and it would be hyperlinked to run the Simulink command open_system('sldemo_fuelsys'); Is this possible? Admittedly I have never created a macro in Excel, so I am not an expert in Excel. Thank you for your help in advance!

Best Answer

In Excel, you can "Insert Link", "Existing file or web page", navigate to find the .slx or .mdl model file. When you click it, it will follow the default Windows program to run MATLAB, and then open the Simulink model.