MATLAB: Open Excell file with dialog box

getting startedinputinputdlguicontroluigetfile

Hi I would like to open with the dialog box an excel file that I know already the directory, how can I open?
I don't want read I would like to open microsoft excel directly
aemrep=menu('Do you want open AEM report?','Yes','No');
if aemrep==1
aemrep2=menu('click on REPORT AEM','REPORT AEM EXCEL');
if aemrep==1
%%open excell

Best Answer

I think the winopen command helps here (as long EXCEL is associated with the file you like to open in EXCEL)
You could also use ActiveX from MATLAB to start Excel and open the file.
Or you start EXCEL with some startflag from MATLAB with the system command. Some EXCEL startup options are listed: