MATLAB: How to write both number and text to a file

text file

I want to write something like this:
BEGIN 0.00 0,0 0.5,1 1,1.5 1.5,1.75 14,2
from matlab to a text file. There are supposed to be a new number on one line, going down. I also have to go this several times for different values. How can I do this effectively?

Best Answer

The easiest way to do this would be to write the entire line as a string into a text file, something like:
x = 'BEGIN 0.00 0,0 0.5,1 1,1.5 1.5,1.75 14,2';
fid = fopen('SomeTextFile.txt','a');
You would have to reassign x every time with your new data. Does this help?