MATLAB: How to write a Script using a function that accepts individual inputs

matlab functionscript

Hi, Im new to matlab programming. I have a function that requires 1 input argument to display a plot. I have collected data from 5 subjects, and each time I need to input the subject's name individually to the function in order to plot a graph for that subject.
for example:
*function analysedata
subjectname 'x';*
% x = subject name
I would like to write a script with a forloop that can accept all 5 subject names, which will eliminate the need to input each name separately. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Best Answer

John - so rather than passing in a single name, pass in a cell array of names. Your function signature would then become
function analysedata(subjectNames)
You could then iterate over this array as
for k=1:length(subjectNames)
subjectName = subjectNames{k};
% etc.