MATLAB: How to write a programme in matlab comparing USA states name with english alphabets, and give the unmatch letter Q as a output..


how to write a programme in matlab comparing USA states name with english alphabets, and give the unmatch letter Q as a output.. ?

Best Answer

Not exactly sure what you're looking for but you might look at the functions contains() and strfind():
str = 'Arizona'; % Arizona is awesome! And it contains both upper and lower case A.
containsA = contains(str, 'A', 'IgnoreCase', true)
containsQ = contains(str, 'Q', 'IgnoreCase', true)
logicalA = str == 'A' % Case sensitive.

logicalQ = str == 'Q' % Case sensitive.
ALocation = strfind(str, 'A')
QLocation = strfind(str, 'Q')
In the command window, you'll see:
containsA =
containsQ =
logicalA =
1×7 logical array
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
logicalQ =
1×7 logical array
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ALocation =
QLocation =
So, does one of these do what you want? Any follow up questions?