MATLAB: Finding location of an exact match in a string

stringstring find

I have imported a PDF file as string. I need to match '1.1.2' in the string to find its location. However '' is also in it.
strfind(str,'1.1.2') returns ans = 71 134. It should only return 134.
How can I exactly match '1.1.2' without changing the PDF file string? Thank you!
—– edit:
I need to find the number using: number = [num2str(x),'.',num2str(y),'.',num2str(z)] since I need to trace multiple numbers in a loop.

Best Answer

Assuming that the '1.1.2' must be at the beginning of a line in a multiline string, this simple regular expression would work:
loc = regexp(yourstring, '^1\.1\.2[^.0-9]', 'lineanchors')
If the criteria is that '1.1.2' must not be preceded by a 'number dot' nor followed by a 'dot number' then:
loc = regexp(yourstring, '(?<!\d\.?)1\.1\.2[^.0-9]')