MATLAB: How to write a function with a for loop

floorfor loop

if t(i)=L1*(i-1)+ L[(i-1)/e]*t_k
i get
where e=2 and i want to have a floor function for L[ (i-1)/e].How to create a function for the following with input e,imax,L1 and t_k like function delay(e,imax,L1,t_k) with a for loop

Best Answer

What's stopping you from trying? You'll quickly find out that it errors.
t = zeros(imax);
or probably better
t = zeros(1, imax);
would get rid of the error. Whether or not it's what you want, I don't know.
Note that the same can be achieved without a loop:
im = 0:imax - 1;
t = L1 * im + round(im /e) * t_k;
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