MATLAB: Integral of a function

symbolicSymbolic Math Toolbox

I have an ans for integral calculation
R = piecewise([1/(T*k) < 0, (E0/(T*k) - (E0*Inf)/(T*k))/(1 + Inf*(- infinity/(T*k) - 1))], [0 < real(1/(T*k)), E0/(T*k)])
the truth is in my situation
0 < real(1/(T*k))
is always true, therefore what I need is just the result as
because this result need to be insert into another equation to be simplified, I hope I can tell MATLAB that
0 < real(1/(T*k))
is true or I can extract the term
from the piece-wise function. Can anyone please tell me how can I do it, thanks a lot.

Best Answer

I suggest trying to use an assume() and then a simplify()
In Maple I would use
simplify(R) assuming 0 < real(1/(T*k))