MATLAB: How to wrap text within buttons of app-designer

app designerappdesignerbuttonMATLABmulti-line texttext wrapping

Is there a way I can chose to wrap the text in my button to a 2nd row, instead of letting it to overflow outside my button?

Best Answer

You can make set multi-lined text in a button from within the startup function startupFcn().
The first line below creates two lines of text within the button.
The second line moves the button down and doubles its vertical size. Set the button width and the position of the top of the button from the DesignView.
% Code that executes after component creation
function startupFcn(app, arg1)
app.Button.Text = ['Really long',newline,'button name']; % or sprintf('Really long\nbutton name')
app.Button.Position([2,4]) = app.Button.Position([2,4]) + [-1,1].*app.Button.Position(4);
% If you'd rather the button size to expand upward rather than downward,
% Replace the 2nd line above with
% app.Button.Position(4) = app.Button.Position(4)*2;
As of R2020b multi-line text in buttons can be achieved from Design View (thanks Eric Sargent).