MATLAB: How to visualize filter coefficients after fixed point conversion using FVTOOL

Filter Design Toolbox

I have an FIR filter with a single coefficient "pi" and I perform the following steps :
1. Open a new Simulink model.
2. Use the Digital Filter block from the Signal Processing Blockset to represent this filter in a three-bit word and two-bit fraction length fixed-point representation.
The mask option "View Filter Response" opens FVTOOL to show the filter response but the Magnitude squared value of the FVTOOL plot shows pi^2 instead of the saturated value 0.75^2 after fixed point conversion.

Best Answer

The ability to view filter coefficients in fixed-point format is not available in the Filter Design Toolbox when using the Filter Visualization Tool (FVTool).
As a workaround you can use the Filter Design and Analysis Tool (FDATool) to view fixed-point filters.