MATLAB: How to obtain the quantized filter coefficients as fixed-point objects in Filter Design Toolbox 4.0 (R2006b)

Filter Design Toolbox

I create a filter using the FDATOOL or through command line functionality and would like the coefficients returned as fixed-point objects.

Best Answer

The ability to obtain the quantized filter coefficients as fixed-point objects is not available in the Filter Design Toolbox 4.0 (R2006b).
To work around this you can manually convert the coefficients to fixed-point objects as shown below:
hd.productWordLength = 16;
hd.accumwordLength = 40;
myfi = fimath('maxproductwordlength',16,'maxsumwordlength',40);
numerator = fi(hd.numerator,hd.signed,hd.inputwordlength,...
hd.inputfracLength, 'fimath', myfi)