MATLAB: How to use SQLServer/JDBC from compiled Matlab code


Hi, my matlab code successfully calls SQLServer via JDBC when running the code from the Matlab workbench.
I've done this via editing the classpath.txt and librarypath.txt
However, when I compile my Matlab code and try and run it on another machine I get a JDBC Driver Error – Driver not found / loaded.
I have installed the Matlab runtime on the other machine and ran other Matlab programs, I just can't use JDBC. I have edited the runtime classpath.txt and librarypath.txt files.
Any help much appreciated!

Best Answer

Hi Tom,
just to be sure: on "the other machine" you have used the MCRInstaller to install the MCR, and you edited there the classpath, e.g. c:\program files\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v711\toolbox\local\{classpath.txt / librarypath.txt}?