MATLAB: Do I get warnings related to classpath.txt and librarypath.txt when launching MATLAB 8.1 (R2013a)


From a UNIX shell in the directory $MATLABROOT/toolbox/local (where $MATLABROOT is the output of executing
at the MATLAB Command Window), I launch MATLAB and see the following warnings at the Command Window:
Warning: classpath.txt in the startup directory no longer supported. See The Static Path.
Warning: librarypath.txt in the startup directory no longer supported. See The Static Path.
Why do I get these warnings and how do I prevent this?

Best Answer

This is occurring because the directory $MATLABROOT/toolbox/local contains files called "classpath.txt" and "librarypath.txt", and this is the directory from which MATLAB was started. Starting MATLAB from the directory containing these files is no longer supported, as indicated by the warnings.
To resolve this issue, launch MATLAB from a directory that does not include these files.