MATLAB: How to use savefig in app-designer


Here is how I plot my map in app-designer:
load map_use; %M N
[m n] = size(M);
for i=1:200;
M2 = [];
for j=1:m;
if M(j,3)==i;
patch(app.mapPlot, M2(:,1), M2(:,2), [0.62,0.83,0.50]);
savefig(app.mapPlot, 'AA.fig'); %Line 43
but get this error:
Error using savefig (line 43)
H must be an array of handles to valid figures
So how do I properly use savefig and openfig within app-designer?
Many thanks!

Best Answer

I’d use the function created by Adam Danz found on It worked well for me. You can use this and then use the saveas function to save your new figure. I suppose you can set the visibility of your new figure to ‘off’ if need be, but you’ll probably have to do that yourself.