MATLAB: How to plot a graph on the app designer

app designer

I have a figure saved which i want to plot on the UI axes on the app or just display on the app
How do i do that?

Best Answer

Use copyobj() to copy all of the children from your saved figure's axes to the UIAxes.
Here's a functional demo.
% Create a figure, save it, and close it.
mainFig = figure();
savefig('MainFigure.fig') % use full path whenever possible; see fullfile()

% 1) Create a UIFigure and UIAxes (For app designer, skip this step)
% 2) Open the main figure in an invisible state.
% 3) Get the axis handle of the figure.
% 4) Copy all children of the axis handle to the UIAxes.
% 5) Close the invisible main figure.
% 1) Create UIAxes; Skip this step if you're using app designer.
app.UIFigure = uifigure();
app.UIAxes = uiaxes(app.UIFigure);
% 2) OPen the main figure, invisible.
figHandle = openfig('MainFigure.fig','invisible') % use full path whenever possible; see fullfile()
% 3) Get all axis handles that belong to the invisible figure
axesHandle = findobj(figHandle,'type','axes');
%4) Copy all children of the axis to your UIFigure.
% If there are more then 1 axes found on the invisible
% figure, this will only copy the first axes listed.
% Replace input #2 with your UIAxes handle
copyobj(axesHandle(1).Children, app.UIAxes);
% Close the invisible figure
To delete the demo figure from you system,