MATLAB: How to use matlab debugger


I am running a matlab program on the command line without any GUI. I inserted the line "dbstop if naninf" just before the function. (within this function contains many other functions as well) that returned a value NaN. However, when the debugger stopped at the line which gives the error, the line it stops at shows that it stops at factorial.m file. I do not have this file or the function "cumprod" in any of my functions. How do I find the execution line in my files that gives me the actual error ? There is a factorial function in my actual file. Is that where the error comes from ?
NaN/Inf breakpoint hit for factorial.m on line 33.
33 Fa = cumprod([1 1 2:m]);

Best Answer

Matlab's factorial() function is being called somewhere when your code is executed.
cumprod is a variable within factorial.m.
When the break happens, go to the command window and enter dbstack. This will display the caller stack that shows which functions/scripts were called that lead to factorial.m.