MATLAB: How to use fsolve to solve the simultaneous equations with integral format

fsolvefunction handleintegral

Hello, I am try to solve the simultaneous equations with integrand recently, but I am stuck now, below is the detail:
The simultaneous equations that I want to solve:
and I write some code like this:
kursi = 1; b1 = 3*1.33+1; b2 = 3*1+1; alpha = 0.05; beta = 0.10;
fun1 = @(t,c0,n) chi2cdf( (n-1)*(b1*sqrt(n)-t).^2./(9*n*c0.^2),n-1 )...
*( normpdf(t+kursi*sqrt(n))+normpdf(t-kursi*sqrt(n)) );
fun2 = @(t,c0,n) chi2cdf( (n-1)*(b2*sqrt(n)-t).^2./(9*n*c0.^2),n-1 )...
*( normpdf(t+kursi*sqrt(n))+normpdf(t-kursi*sqrt(n)) );
eq = @(c0,n) [ integral( @(t)fun1(t,c0,n),0,b1*sqrt(n) )-(1-alpha);...
integral( @(t)fun2(t,c0,n),0,b2*sqrt(n) )-beta ];
result = fsolve(eq,[0,100]);
the feedback from Matlab:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in
Error in fsolve (line 230)
fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue.
===================================================================== After comparing to the doc fsolve, I guess the problem are function handle and integral. Does anyone can give me some advices? Thanks!

Best Answer

The problem is in the way your are passing the unknown input parameters. It should be as a single unknown vector,
result = fsolve(@(p) eq(p(1),p(2)) ,[0,100]);
I would also mention that if p(2)=n is meant to be a discrete variable, fsolve will not handle that. It treats all unknowns as continuous variables.