MATLAB: How to use FIND_SYSTEM to find the Lookup Table (n-D) block in a model in Simulink 6.6 (R2007a)


I would like to be able to use FIND_SYSTEM to search for the Lookup Table (n-D) blocks in my model. However, when I try to find the block using the 'BlockType' parameter, it does not find it, as shown below:
>> find_system(gcs,'blocktype','Lookup Table (n-D)')
ans =
Empty cell array: 0-by-1

Best Answer

The Lookup Table (n-D) block is actually an S-function block that points to the “sfun_lookupnd” S-Function. Therefore it can be found by specifying the block type to be S-Function, as shown below:
>> find_system(gcs,'blocktype','S-Function')
ans =
Table (n-D)'
The specific Lookup Table (n-D) blocks can also be found by looking for the S-function name “sfun_lookupnd”, using the ‘FunctionName’ parameter, as shown below:
>> find_system(gcs,'FunctionName','sfun_lookupnd')
ans =
Table (n-D)'