MATLAB: How to use data from a MUX block with the from xPC block in xPC Target 4.2 (R2009b)

frommatrixsignalsSimulink Real-Timetargetxpc

I am using a MUX to vectorize different signals in my model for xPC Target 4.2 (R2009b). I want to use this signals in a simulation on my host computer and therefore I am using the "from xPC" block. But with this block it seems that it only extracts the first value of the vector signal.

Best Answer

This is due to the fact that MUX blocks are virtual blocks. So they are being removed during code generation.
To get all the signals you need to download the model to the target and connect to it. After that enter the following command in the MATLAB command window:
tg.ShowSignal = 'on'
Now you can see all signals.
If you are having a vector with two signals as input for a gain block you will see this output:
0 0.000000 Gain/s1 Gain
1 0.000000 Gain/s2 Gain
Now you can enter these signals as a cell array in the dialog box of the From xPC block:
{'Gain/s1', 'Gain/s2'}
Now the From xPC will extract the two signals.