MATLAB: How to use calculate the several means of same class

matrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulationtable

I have a data (90 x 2857), column 2857 is a label(class).
I'm using table function.
I want to read rows of the same class from table, select N rows, calculate the average.
Could you giva an idea to make the code?
data = readtable("outfile.csv");
data.Properties.VariableNames{end} = 'label';
data{:,1:end-1} = normalize(data{:,1:end-1},1); % I belive this should be "1"
data = sortrows(data,'label'); % The data are sorted by the lables

Best Answer

Try this
data = csvread('outfile.csv');
values = data(:,1:end-1);
labels = data(:,end);
avg = splitapply(@(x) mean(x,1), values, labels+1);
The avg matrix is 10x2856, each row corresponds to mean value of one class.