MATLAB: Creating a conditional variable or function such that


Hi, I'm struggling for hours to do this…
Suppose I have this data:
schoolid classid classsize enrollment newcolumn
1001 1 10 22 11
1001 2 12 22 11
1005 1 14 29 14.5
1005 2 15 29 14.5
1018 1 8 22 22/3
1018 2 4 22 22/3
1018 3 10 22 22/3
I would like to generate a function that gives "newColumn" above.
Plaese help me out. Thanks.

Best Answer

Try this
schoolID = [1001 1001 1005 1005 1018 1018 1018];
enrollment = [22 22 29 29 22 22 22];
grps = findgroups(schoolID);
avg = splitapply(@(x) x(1)/numel(x), enrollment.', grps.');
newcolumn = avg(grps);