MATLAB: How to update struct array fields with mutiple values

dealMATLABsetfieldstruct array

I am trying to update a field value in a struct array. For example if I have 1*10 struct of A with a field in it called B, I want to replace the following loop with another method:
for iLoop=1:10
A(iLoop).B = iLoop;
I tried:
[A.B] = deal(1:10);
And also:
A = setfield(A,num2cell(1:10),'B',num2cell(1:10),(1:10));
But none of them worked (the first method assigns the whole (1:10) vector to each 'B' field in the struct array. The second one crashes). Does anyone know how to make it work?

Best Answer

t = num2cell(1:10);
[A.B] = t{:};
See comments for the case where the struct does not already exist.