MATLAB: How to unfold (spread) vector

for loopresize vectorspeech analysisspreading vectorunfold vector

Hello I have a problem while analysing speech. I am trying to detect pauses. I have calculated envelope of the energy of the signal and autocorrelation of the signal. I have two borders – f and 500 that I am comparing them in code below:
for i = 1:length(speech)
if env_energy(i) == f && corr(i) < 500
%do something
The problem is that env_energy has 1557230 samples and corr only 648 samples. Can you tell me how to spread corr vector so that it doesn´t exceed matrix dimensions in for loop? Thank you

Best Answer

You can use interp1. Try this:
newRange = linspace(1, numel(corr), numel(env_energy));
newCorr = interp1(1:numel(corr),corr,newRange);
Hope this helps!