MATLAB: How to transmit variables in problem structure

basicsGlobal Optimization ToolboxoptimizationOptimization Toolbox

I am trying to set up a problem structure for fmincon
gs = GlobalSearch;
problem = createOptimProblem('fmincon','objective', @objective, 'x0', x0, ...
'Aineq', A, 'bineq', B, 'Aeq', Aeq, 'beq', Beq, 'lb', lb, ...
'ub', ub, 'nonlcon', nonlincon, 'options', optoptim);
However the function 'objective' needs some values inserted
function [f,g] = objective(x0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5)
How can I transmit the values t1,…,t5 ? They are vectors I define earlier in the code

Best Answer

You need to parameterize the function:
For example using an anonymous function:
t1 = ..;
t2 = ..;
t3 = ..;
t4 = ..;
t5 = ..;
problem = createOptimProblem(.., 'objective', @(x)objective(x,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5), ..)