MATLAB: How to track a ball with similar colors in the background

doritosimage processingping pongtable tennis

I am doing a project where I track a table tennis ball from two different angles and determine its position. However, I've run into a problem. In the background there is an orange light to the left and a pack of doritos to the right and my program is detecting these instead of my ball. How can this be solved?
function angle = Image(image)
rgb = image;
h=hsv(: , : ,1);
s=hsv(: , : ,2);
v=hsv( : , : ,3);
bw= (h>0.05 & h<0.12) & (s>0.6) & (v> 0.51);
se = strel('disk',2);
bw = imclose(bw,se);
bw = imfill(bw,'holes');
ball1 = bwareaopen(bw, 50);
lab = bwlabel(ball1);
s = regionprops(lab, 'Area', 'Perimeter');
sArea = [s.Area];
sPerim= [s.Perimeter];
metric= sPerim.^2/(4*pi.* sArea);
idx = find(metric > 1);
gr_fin = ismember(lab, idx);
stat = regionprops(gr_fin,'centroid');
imshow(rgb); hold on;
pos = [stat.Centroid(1), stat.Centroid(2)];
plot(pos(1),pos(2),'r+', 'MarkerSize', 50);
I am attaching an image captured as well.

Best Answer

Get an image where the people and ball are not in it. Then subtract the actual image from the "background" image. The Doritos will not be present in the subtracted image.