MATLAB: How to draw a line across the centre of the barcode

centroidimage processingMATLAB

Original Image
How to make the image to look like this??

Best Answer

If my understanding of your question is not wrong.
Irgb = imread('rhsr9t.jpg');
Icrop = imcrop(Irgb,[75 25 670 500]);
Igray = rgb2gray(Icrop);
Ibw = im2bw(Igray,graythresh(Igray));
Iarea = bwareaopen(Ibw,300);
Idilate = imdilate(Iarea,strel('line',10,0));
stat = regionprops(Idilate,'Centroid');
linecoor = [0 stat.Centroid(2);
stat.Centroid(1) stat.Centroid(2);
size(Irgb,2) stat.Centroid(2)];
imshow(Icrop); hold on
And the result :