MATLAB: How to store values in second column of cell array

cell array reshape

In the following program, I get the value 200 X 1 after reshaping function, I want to store ground truth a label like 1 1 1 1 1 for the first five images then second 2 2 2 2 2 up to 40 images e.g.
1600x1 uint8 1
1600x1 uint8 1
1600x1 uint8 1
1600x1 uint8 1
1600x1 uint8 1
1600x1 uint8 2
1600x1 uint8 2
1600x1 uint8 2
1600x1 uint8 2
1600x1 uint8 2
1600x1 uint8 40
1600x1 uint8 40
1600x1 uint8 40
1600x1 uint8 40
1600x1 uint8 40
clear all;
faceData = cell(40,5); % or cell(5,40)
for i=1:40
for j=1:5
v1 = imresize(v,[40,40]);
[x1,y1] = size(v1);
v1=v1(:); % it make long vertical vector
w = uint8(v1);
faceData{i,j} = w;
cd ..
faceData = reshape(faceData,[],1);

Best Answer

for i=1:1:length(faceData)
Add the code above to the below of your code.
Kindly accept my answer if it is working for you.