MATLAB: Can’t I store this many values In line


So I know I could do this with a loop, but since I'm already inside a nested loop for this I'm trying to minimize how nested things get. The problem occurs without the loops so I'll just provide an example of the point of failure I'm encountering. Here are the variables and their relationship to one another. Depletion is a large matrix with data values in it.
jj = 1;
i = 1;
v1 = Depletion(2*jj-1,i)
v2 = Depletion(2*jj,i)
v3 = max([MatDeni(v1,jj) MatDeni(v2,jj)])
v4 = min([MatDeni(v1,jj) MatDeni(v2,jj)])
v5 = mean([MatDeni(v1,jj) MatDeni(v2,jj)])
v6 = min(MatDeni(v1:v2,jj))
v7 = Ledge + int16((v2 - v1)/2)
When I run this the output I get is:
v1 =
v2 =
v3 =
v4 =
v5 =
v6 =
v7 =
Now I try to put these values into a vector. When I do just v1-v6 everything is fine
[v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6]
ans =
1086 1115 5.7254e+05 4.4962e+05 5.1108e+05 23322
however when I do v1-v7,
[v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7]
ans =
1086 1115 32767 32767 32767 23322 1101
It seems the values in scientific notation have been changed to some apparently arbitrary value of 32767. Maybe I should just change the format that the values get stored so they're not scientific notation, but this seems like strange behavior.

Best Answer

Since v7 is an integer type (int16), when you combine it with doubles in concatenation [ ], the doubles get converted to int16. To get around this you need to convert v7 to a double first. E.g.,
[v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 double(v7)]
The 32767 you are seeing is simply the double values larger than the largest int16 (32767) being clipped at that value.