MATLAB: How to store index values in the form of arrays using for loop

for loopMATLAB

Hello Everyone
Can you please tell me how to save indes values of the following code from the for loop?
rng default
M = zeros(randi([3 6]),randi([3 6]))
[u,v] = size(M)
for i = 1:u
for j = 1:v
ind1(i) = i;
ind2(j) = j;
indices = [ind1(i),ind2(j)]
I want to store the values in the form of two colums and m*n rows.
Thank you

Best Answer

rng default
M = zeros(randi([3 6]),randi([3 6]))
[u,v] = size(M)
inc =1;
for i = 1:u
for j = 1:v
indices(inc,:) = [i ,j];
inc = inc+1;
or you can use to ind2sub instead of for loop
indices = [y' x'];