MATLAB: How to transform UV coordinates to spherical coordinates, phi-theta or azimuth-elevation

azelazimuthelevationPhased Array System Toolboxphiphithetathetatransformuv

How can I transform UV coordinates to spherical coordinates, phi-theta or azimuth-elevation?

Best Answer

Most MathWorks Phased Array System toolbox functions deal strictly with the azimuth-elevation coordinate system while phi-theta and UV are mainly used for interfacing with external data/tools.
If you prefer to work primarily in UV coordinates and transform to either spherical coordinates for visualization purposes, the short answer would be to use the two transforms, "uv2phitheta" or "uv2azel".
Before using these transform function you must satisfy the following:
−1 ≤ u ≤ 1
−1 ≤ v ≤ 1
u^2 + v^2 ≤ 1 (within the unit circle)
If you have UV data you can do some logical indexing to satisfy the requirements:
[U,V] = meshgrid(-1:0.01:1,-1:0.01:1);
isNotInUV = hypot(U,V) > 1;
U(isNotInUV) = [];
V(isNotInUV) = [];
m = uv2azel([U;V]);
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