MATLAB: How to stop matlab M file from stopping the program when error occur


This code at certain input and base points will prompt an error like below. However my code loop the maketform 100 times each time with different combination of input and base point.
How do i stop the program from stopping my loop? i want to let it to loop finish 100 times. If an error occur it will return a 0 tform2 value or return other value that i could use as a condition when error occur.
tform2 = maketform('affine',input_points,base_points);
??? Error using ==> maketform>construct_matrix at 417 Collinear points in U or X; cannot continue.
Error in ==> maketform>affine at 158 A = construct_matrix( U, X, 'affine' );
Error in ==> maketform at 126 t = feval(fcn,varargin{2:end});

Best Answer

tform2 = maketform('affine',input_points,base_points);
tform2 = 0;