MATLAB: How to stack colour layers

concatenatefor loopstack

I have an initial picture and make some calculations with the individual colour layers in a for-loop going through the 3 layers. In the end I want to stack them again to get the coloured version. Instead, I reveice nothing meaningful. What is wrong in the syntax?
for ii=1:3
Img_R = uint8(abs(Img_x2(:,:,1)));
Img_G = uint8(abs(Img_x2(:,:,2)));
Img_B = uint8(abs(Img_x2(:,:,3)));
pertImgRGB = cat(3,Img_R,Img_G,Img_B);
imagesc(x, y, pertImgRGB);
axis square;

Best Answer

Before you go to uint8, the range of your data is:
minValue =
maxValue =
Replace your code with this:
% Display what the max and min are, just for fun.
minValue = min(abs(Img_x2(:)))
maxValue = max(abs(Img_x2(:)))
% Scale to 0-255
Img_x2 = 255 * mat2gray(abs(Img_x2));
Img_R = uint8((Img_x2(:,:,1)));
Img_G = uint8((Img_x2(:,:,2)));
Img_B = uint8((Img_x2(:,:,3)));
pertImgRGB = cat(3,Img_R,Img_G,Img_B);
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