MATLAB: Understanding montage() command settings

Image Processing Toolboxmontage

I feel like the following code should display virtually identical looking images in figure(1) and figure(2)
load mrislice;
figure(1); imagesc(X); axis image off, colormap(gray(256)),
figure(2); montage(X,gray(256),'DisplayRange',[]),
It does not, however. In figure(1), I see the expected result
whereas in figure(2), I see
Any clear reason why? Possibly, I'm misunderstanding something about how MONTAGE works.

Best Answer

I have been told by tech support that, when a colormap argument is fed to MONTAGE, the DisplayRange option is deliberately ignored. They will update the documentation to clarify this.
Furthermore, although I still don't see the logic of it, I have also been told that the following are equivalent,
>> figure(1), montage(X, 'DisplayRange',[1 100])
>> figure(2), montage(X, gray(100));
i.e., the number of colormap entries is used to determine the max value of X displayed...
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